Your first question may be whether or not ChiliFresh products will work in your specific catalog. The simple answer is “Yes”. We have developed ChiliFresh at such a basic level so it can integrate into virtually any ILS system. We have created implementations for most of the major ILSs such as Innovative Interfaces Polaris and Encore, SirsiDynix Enterprise and Evergreen catalogs, and we are committed to making this available for every library’s catalog.

If we have not created an implementation for your particular ILS, we’d love to hear from you and would love to create the implementation for your online catalog. Drop us a note!


How ChiliFresh Products work?

We have examples for you - see ChiliFresh products in live catalogs of our customers:

Easy implementation

We have built our library solutions with simple user experience and automation in our mind - integrating our solutions in your catalog is usually as simple as:

We are always open to helping you implement our solutions, just Contact us!


The real genius of ChiliFresh is its collaborative nature. As a subscriber to ChiliFresh, you don’t need to rely exclusively on the reviews, ratings and book lists created by your patrons, but you can decide to display (or not) the content created by users of myriad libraries around the world.

The fact is, not every patron will write a review for every book they read. If they did, your local reviews would swell in numbers very quickly. But reality is, while almost everyone enjoys the benefit of reading reviews to make a decision for their their next read, not all will “tell the world” how they liked the book. And beyond the Review functionality, ChiliFresh brings the whole world of interactivity into your online catalog.

Flexibility is also a hallmark of ChiliFresh. You can decide to display content just from your library or you may want to include social content and reviews from patrons ONLY from your state or region.. or like most libraries, you will see the benefit of displaying content from patrons from a global community.


The flexibility of ChiliFresh allows you to make your online reviews and social content look EXACTLY like your existing catalog. You can match font types, sizes, colors and weights as well as set any background colors and images. In short, when you subscribe, ChiliFresh “disappears” and becomes an invisible partner that provides a tremendous value with true global interactivity.

We also integrate with catalog vendor APIs - such as SirsiDynix WebService, Innovative Sierra API and Polaris API for library data retrieval that way making library staff involvement into management of ChiliFresh services as minimal as possible.